PR and media advertising

PR is public relations and technologies for creating and introducing the image of a brand / product / service / into the consciousness of your consumers' community. PR forms and uses public opinion to improve the brand's reputation, fixes its image as ideal and necessary for life.

Success in the modern world is impossible without popularity and recognition. Even the most wonderful product or service can go unnoticed if they are not talked about. The more brand communications with consumers, the more it is promoted and its price is higher. With fame come trust and authority.

The main stages of our PR work:

  • We form the desired image of your brand / product / service /: we define its strengths, add to them differences from competitors. We hold events to restore the brand's reputation, if necessary. We adhere to the rule: to tell the truth, the only way to build an adequate brand.
  • We define your target audience, we select a loyal part from it. You should not try to attract the attention of everyone, including haters, it is more effectively to focus on those who are kindly or neutral.
  • We plan ways to establish contact with the audience, topics, media and other channels, the format of interaction. They will be fundamentally different for teenagers who sit on social networks, for women who watch TV shows and for men interested in politics.
  • We plan ways to establish contact with the audience, topics, media and other channels, the format of interaction. They will be fundamentally different for teenagers who sit on social networks, for women who watch TV shows and for men interested in politics.
  • We create creative information channels, events and other types of activity that are interesting for the target audience, media, bloggers, Vloger and opinion leaders of your niche.

PR should not be confused with display advertising

If you need a quick effect from the campaign, as a result of which there will be such an influx of customers that they will empty all the store shelves or warehouses, it makes sense to make display advertising on the Internet.

Online media advertising is a collection of visual and sound advertising materials: banners, videos, branding, and text-graphic blocks.

The balance between PR and media advertising depends on your company's short-term and long-term goals and budget for promotion.

We will find the best combination of PR and advertising to improve your key performance indicators!

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