Contextual advertising

This is an online advertisement that shows an advertisement to your potential client in accordance with the content of his query in the search engines and on the Internet pages.

Contextual advertising can be:

  • Search engine – fully corresponds to the request of a potential client, is presented directly in a search engine, is very effective. Resources - Google Ads, Yandex.Direct.
  • Thematic – does not completely coincide with the request, intersects with it in the sense, presented on the sites that are viewed by a potential client. It allows you to reach a large audience, but the instant effect from it is less than from the search engine. Resource - Yandex.Direct.
  • Static – always located on a specific place in search engines or on sites.
  • Dynamic – presented in turn with your competitors, cheaper than static.
  • Text – the advertising message contains text only.
  • Text-graphic – contains illustrations in the form of a banner, more effective than text.

Contextual advertising functions:

  • To inform potential customers about your brand / resource / product / service.
  • Transfer of a potential client to your information and marketing resource: landing, website, blog, online store.
  • The motivation to buy, and as a result, increase sales and development of your business.


Before launching an advertising campaign, we audit the initial marketing and personalize communications with your target audience. This allows you to squeeze out of contextual advertising as much as possible with a limited budget.

Pros and cons of contextual advertising:

Advantages of contextual advertising: it is cheaper than TV advertising with a more accurate hit to the target audience and the ability to control the spending of the budget at any given time.

Cons: captures only Internet users, effective with proper targeting.

Price Calculator:

1. Choose a social network:

2. Find out what is included:

  • Google AdWords
  • 0

    social networks

  • 0 publications per month
  • 0 advertising publications

3. Find out the cost:


а month

* Advertising budget is calculated additionally

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